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A modern C++14 header-only template library implementing information set Monte Carlo tree search.

Solver class templates

The class templates listed below form the main point of interaction with this library. All that is generally needed to use the algorithms is a solver instance and a compatible game. The tree search algorithm is then invoked on any game state by calling the solver’s operator(). Both solvers share the same interface, which is described further below. Apart from the Move and ExecutionPolicy type parameters, up to three template parameters may be given representing policy templates. These are passed to the Config class template, where they are instantiated with the Move type.


Defined in <ismcts/sosolver.h>

    class Move,
    class ExecutionPolicy = Sequential,
    template<class> class... Policies
> class SOSolver;

Single observer solvers implement the SO-ISMCTS algorithm, which searches a single tree corresponding to the information sets of the current player in the root game state. They should be used for games where the players can see each other’s moves, because the algorithm treats opponent moves as fully observable.


Defined in <ismcts/mosolver.h>

    class Move,
    class ExecutionPolicy = Sequential,
    template<class> class... Policies
> class MOSolver;

The multiple observer solvers implement the MO-ISMCTS algorithm, which builds a separate tree for each player and searches these simultaneously. This makes it applicable to games with partially observable moves, i.e. where players cannot always fully observe the other players’ or teams’ moves.

Member types

Type Definition
Config Config<Move, Policies...>
Duration std::chrono::duration<double>
RootNode typename Config::RootNode
TreeList std::vector<RootNode>
TreeMap std::map<unsigned int, RootNode>
TreeList std::vector<TreeMap>

Member functions


In this section, the name SolverType refers to either of the two solvers. Note that the constructors are inherited from the execution policy. If the policy is RootParallel or TreeParallel, the constructors accept the optional second parameter unsigned int numThreads to set the concurrency level. It defaults to std::thread::hardware_concurrency().

explicit SolverType(std::size_t iterationCount = 1000);

Constructs a solver that will iterate the given number of times per search operation.

explicit SolverType(Duration iterationTime);

Constructs a solver that will iterate for the given duration per search operation.

Move SOSolver::operator()(Game<Move> const &rootState);
Move MOSolver::operator()(POMGame<Move> const &rootState);

Returns the most promising move from the given game state.


void setConfig(Ps<Move>... policies);

Changes the policy object by passing the objects policies (up to three) to the constructor of the Config class being used; see there for more details.

void setIterationCount(std::size_t count);

Sets the execution policy to use a fixed number of iterations in future searches.

void setIterationTime(Duration time);

Sets the execution policy to use a fixed length of time in future searches.


std::size_t iterationCount() const;

Returns the current iteration count, which is 0 if the time policy is used.

Duration iterationTime() const;

Returns the current iteration time length, which is Duration::zero() if the iteration count policy is used.

unsigned int numThreads() const;

Returns the number of threads used for execution of the algorithm, which is 1 for the Sequential policy and equal to std::thread::hardware_concurrency() for RootParallel and TreeParallel.

TreeList currentTrees() const;

Returns the decision tree(s) resulting from the most recent call to operator(). The result is always a vector with one element per execution thread, but each solver uses a different element type as described under Member types.